Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Quote of the Week Part 2

Since Jess posted her quote, I must post a quote as well. BTW, I'm working on a post for here, but I have to get my 2 essays finished first.

"Most people think that I had to take a covered wagon and ford over 60 rivers and then take a train from St. Louis to this coast in order to escape Oregon. That, however, was not the case." ~The Peppermint Guy (who else)


Jessica said...

I see you have no hearts directly proceeding the quoter or quotee or whatever it is. :)

Lizzie said...

Wow... did Peppermint Guy actually say that?? That's just weird.

Allie said...

Jess: No, I do NOT have any hearts directly proceeding it, nor would I EVER put hearts on there. :P

Lizzie: Yes, he did actually say that. I think that was about the time he was talking about his high school.

Lizzie said...

Wow. I can't believe he would say that most people would think that he had to ford 60 rivers in a covered wagon. Is he THAT old???

Jessica said...

That is very...suspicious. Could we possibly be given a little context info?

Allie said...

Context...ok, first off, he's about our parents age. I think he was attempting to be sarcastic, but it wasn't working. Like I've said before, he's weird. Come visit me at work sometime, and you'll see what I'm talking about.